English is currently spoken in many nations and cultures, and being able to communicate well in it will help you advance in your work and social life. The more fluent in English you are, the more engaging, entertaining, and intelligent conversations you will be able to have. Fortunately, you can enhance your English-speaking skills without having a classroom companion or having to sit through grueling classes. It is entirely feasible to have a good time while learning a language. The ability to pronounce words correctly is important, but it isn’t everything. This essay will take you beyond the fundamentals of communicative proficiency. You will get more than 25 tips on how to learn English speaking that works.

25 Tips on how to learn English speaking

Mastering English language, comes down to practice. By practicing speaking, you can learn from mistakes and build both your vocabulary and understanding. Here are tips that can help you learn English speaking:

1. It’s either that or nothing!

In English, there are essentially two sides to the conversation. The first is physical, in which your lips must properly generate and link English sounds and words. The other side is mental, where your brain must discover the proper words and swiftly put them together to form a whole phrase. The brain will next send information to your lips, where it will be delivered verbally. Both of these sides are required for your spoken English ability. You will not be able to communicate in English if one of the sides does not work. It will be as follows: if you are a quick thinker, your brain will work quickly. Your brain generates those words and vocabularies and sends them to your lips, but your mouth is unable to connect them swiftly and efficiently.  You’ll then find yourself stuttering in the middle of a conversation. As a result, both sides must be perfectly synchronized. READ ALSO: 20 Easy Ways To Learn English At Home

2. Have a conversation with a native speaker

Talking to a native English speaker on a daily basis is the best technique to warm up the skill. If it’s possible, you could manage a coach. But it’s actually quite difficult for everyone to do so. That is why I will discuss how you can do it on your own using the tools you already have.

3. The louder the music, the better

When you read something out loud, whether it’s an article, a comprehension exercise, a novel, or anything else. Pay attention to what you’re reading. Then reread to improve your fluency. Now repeat the process. Continue doing so until you can speak quicker. READ ALSO: 10 Free Online Language Courses with Certificates in 2021

4. Take it easy, you’re not in a race!

Slow down your speech when speaking in English otherwise, there will be no clarity. Rushing your words often leads to stammering because you can’t find the right words or you’ll be saying things that are incorrect and meaningless. As a result, you need to slow down and speak clearly to the audience. This is something that every excellent speaker does. If you like, you can listen to them from time to time.

5. Allow yourself time to reflect

Before you say a statement, think about what you’re going to say, form the words into a sentence in your head, and then say it. There will be no torpidity in your voice if you think a statement before saying it. You’ll be able to say it fluently and smoothly.

6. Pay attention to what you’re hearing

Learn to pay close attention to what you’re hearing. Pay attention when you hear native English speakers conversing in English. How do they say it? It’s also important to pay attention to their speech patterns. Furthermore, you will be able to pick up some new words.

7. Get out there and say something

Try to communicate in English with your friends. Continue to converse with them in English for a long period. All conversations with your family should be conducted in English. Stand in front of the mirror even if you’re alone and speak to yourself in English. In English, ask yourself questions and respond to them. Make phone calls instead of texting! Continue to practice on your own throughout the day. Beginning with simple everyday terms is a good idea. MUST-READ: 20 Easy Ways To Learn English At Home

8. It’s All About Confidence

If you want to improve your spoken English skills, you must first gain confidence. Don’t be nervous when you’re speaking — it’s the WORST ENEMY! Keep conversing in English, whether it’s correct or incorrect. Destroy the fear tower. To be able to speak the English language well, you must continue to practice, speak, and have faith in yourself. You will gradually be able to overcome your fear, and then you will leave. After that, there is no stopping.

9. Hesitation to say goodbye

Another tip on how to learn English speaking is to never let go of your hesitancy in developing your natural fluency. All you have to do is talk, talk, and talk some more. Don’t be afraid to speak up, even if your English isn’t perfect. Nobody learns anything in a day. If you continue to speak slowly, you will gain confidence, which will aid your fluency.

10. The Imitation Game

Imitation is a powerful tool for improving spoken English skills. You watch or listen to a conversation and then repeat the dialogues. You do not need to use those precise words. Make your own interpretation of the situation. You can listen to some native-speaker discussions. If at all possible, record them and listen to them again and over. A recording is quite beneficial. It also aids in the pronunciation of words. Furthermore, you will be able to identify your errors on your own. As a result, you will discover a method for eradicating those errors. It also offers you an indication of how much improvement you’ll need to achieve the skill level you want.

11. In English, retell a story

It’s yet another excellent approach to improve your English speaking abilities. Learn to tell the story in your own words. The ability to communicate in English will prepare you for a real conversation. It can also broaden your horizons. Fluency should be improved. It’ll be more effective if you record it and listen to it again to identify your flaws. Reading a good English narrative is a good idea. After then, you narrate the story out loud. In the text, you don’t have to say those precise words.

12. Movies, television shows, and songs are more than just entertainment

You clearly enjoy watching movies and listening to music. Who doesn’t like it? Watching movies and listening to music might help you improve your English speaking skills. It’s a type of unintentional learning. You’re not looking for any grammar, rules, or sentence structures. You’re learning how they communicate and what expressions they use in different situations. Under different conditions, the same word or sentence might have multiple meanings. It is preferable to watch the films sans subtitles. You’ll be able to focus on pronunciation and expressions at that point. You will also be able to learn some phrases as a bonus. Using phrases like – in fact, let me make it clear, and so on. These phrases serve as buffers, allowing you to think about and utter your next words and sentences with more ease. It improves your fluency organically, and you are less likely to run out of words.

13. Have a conversation with yourself

Keep your thoughts out of your head. It will help you in various ways if you express your views and describe your actions. Assume you’re about to drink some water before heading to work. Most times, try to chill a bit before getting back to work especially if you’re overwhelmed. It will also be capable of converting your ideas into words and delivering them from your mouth.

14. It’s All About the Vocabulary Again!

Try to learn some new words whenever you have the chance. The more your vocabulary, the more fluent you are. In your thoughts, you’ll never run out of words. When acquiring vocabulary, aim to memorize words in groups or chunks. Take a cup of tea, a glass of wine, and so on. It’s preferable to learn tea and wine individually.

15. Keep your thoughts in English

That’s right, you’ve seen it. Consider your options in English! You will become more fluent during the conversation as a result of it. Responding while chatting will take less time. You can do this by writing down your thoughts. In a diary, write down your daily ideas. Although it won’t be perfect, doing that will help you put your English thoughts into words with less effort.

16. Acquire the Language’s Natural Flow

Individual words are frequently perfected by you. However, it can sometimes disrupt the language’s rhythm or flow. If you look intently while reading poetry or a novel, or while watching a movie, or listening to music, you will notice a few things. You should search up four facts — Contractions, Stress, and Rhythm are all words that come to mind when we think of linking. Linking is what you’re used to. Pay attention to certain native speakers. Take note of how they combine two distinct sounds into one. However, it improves the euphonic of the sounds. Contractions combine two words into a single word. For instance: I have = I’ve, he will = he’ll, they are = they’re, and so on. In sentences, there are some stressed and unstressed syllables that have a big influence in pronunciation. Finally, there’s the rhythm. The result of connecting, contractions, and stress is rhythm.

17. Use Smartphones Wisely

We spend the majority of our days on our smartphones. Use it to improve your spoken English skills. There are various apps that might assist you in improving your spoken English skills. They’re available on the AppStore and Google Play Store. If you have an iPhone, you can even hold a conversation with Siri. You can use Google Now if you have an Android phone. It will assist you in perfecting your pronunciation because Siri and Google will no longer answer with incorrect pronunciation. Furthermore, because they are machines, you will have less reluctance to converse with them.

18. Praise and Discipline Yourself

It sounds strange. However, it can be one tip on how to learn English speaking. You can establish a goal for yourself to speak only in English for the next day or week. Then see how long you can go without eating. If you achieve your objective, you can treat yourself to something special, such as going out to dinner. If you can’t, you can punish yourself by telling yourself that you won’t be able to eat or drink for the next few days! Then, as time goes on, you will feel more at ease speaking English. Playing a fun online spelling bee or a spelling bee quiz game with others can be a terrific way to reward yourself while learning.

19. Become More Formal: Enroll in English Speaking Classes

If necessary, you can also enroll in some English spoken classes. It will be quite beneficial to you. Your mentor can assist you in overcoming your weaknesses. They will be able to assist you in overcoming your flaws. You’ll also make some new buddies. You will have the opportunity to converse with them. This will provide you with a secure place in which to learn English.

20. Don’t Be Afraid of Pressure!

It’s never easy to communicate in a foreign language. It will never be as simple as speaking your native tongue. You can easily describe something in your mother tongue, but it will be difficult to do so in English. There will always be some kind of pressure. It will never feel like your natural tongue unless you live in a nation where everyone speaks English and have been thoroughly immersed in that culture for a long period. As a result, there will always be pressure — it’s an unavoidable fact! READ ALSO: 10 Best French Language Schools In France | 2021

21. Acquire a working knowledge of idioms and phrases

There are a lot of idioms and phrases. Phrases and idioms are collections of words that have a common meaning. The use of these words and idioms improves the readability of the sentences. Learning English phrases and idioms might be one of the most useful techniques for boosting spoken English skills. As a result, rather than memorizing individual words, try to learn English phrases. Also, search up the most often used words in the English language. These terms will assist you in speaking English more fluently.

22. Speak up, speak up, speak out!

Be self-assured and speak to as many individuals as possible. Make no apologies for making mistakes! The more you practice, the better and more confident your pronunciation and vocabulary will become. Remember that speaking is a talent, just like learning a musical instrument or a new sport, and the only way to improve is to practice!

23. Listen

Listen to English news broadcasts and music to hear how words are pronounced. This is also a good approach to pick up new words and phrases. You will learn more if you pay attention! To improve your pronunciation and learn which words in a sentence are stressed, try mimicking what you hear.

24. Read the text aloud

To yourself, read the newspaper or a magazine. You could even play out a script from your favorite television show! This is a terrific technique to practice pronunciation because all you have to worry about is making sure your English sounds great, not sentence structure or grammar.

25. Participate in fun English activities

Join a book group or take an English cookery class! Whatever you enjoy doing, make sure you do it in English and communicate it to others. Practicing English will be more enjoyable if you use it to talk about things you enjoy. Additionally, you can participate in debates. Debate all of your favorite issues in English with your pals. To make your point, try to utilize as much terminology as possible, and pay attention to the other points so you can successfully counter them.

Bonus: Make use of a dictionary

There are several fantastic dictionary apps that you can take everywhere with you on your smartphone, and online dictionaries typically contain audio samples so you can verify your pronunciation. But be careful not to grow overly reliant on these technologies. Try uttering the words first, then double-check to see if you were correct!


Indeed, learning how to speak English can help to effective your communication skills. It can help you build connections, relationships, and rule your world. Although it’s a bit difficult, the above-mentioned skills will help make it look as if you’re eating a piece of cake.


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