So, it is your gain to become a caregiver, and to make it more legal, you can take any of the free online caregiver training with a certificate to become efficient in delivering your services. Caregiving is more than just the physical needs of an elderly person. It requires you to give them emotional support and if you can do that, you will understand how caregiving is priceless.

What Does a Caregiver Do?

A caregiver either works independently or for a health care facility to provide personal care to patients. As a caregiver, you can literally travel to a patient’s home and help out with basic chores like cleaning the house, bathing the patient, and providing them with companionship and emotional support. you can also be responsible for driving aourn town for grocery trips and other important errands.

Why Learn Free Online Caregiver Training With a Certificate?

The desire to lean caregiving could come up for several reasons which are:

#1. Flexibility

You may choose a learning schedule that suits your needs with free online python classes. You can study while also taking care of other obligations, such as your job or other essential matters.

#2. Comfortability

From the comfort of your own home, office, or restroom, you can complete an online course from beginning to end. The nice thing about comfort is that you don’t have to waste time with your family listening to lectures.

#3. Little or No Cost at all

Since they are free, you won’t have to break the bank to enroll for a course. Interestingly, you earn a certificate at the end of the course and most require you pay a little sum.

20 Free Online Caregiver Training With a Certificate

#1. Symptom Management in Palliative Care

This free online caregiving course builds your primary palliative care abilities like: communication, psychological support, and care goals. While undertaking the course, you will learn how to screen, assess and manage symptoms beyond the physical. Also, you will learn about common symptoms for pain, nausea, exhaustion and how to address them.

#2. Introduction to caregiving for Older Adults

If you’re already a caregiver or have plans of becoming one, this free caregiving online course would provide you with the knowledge and abilities you need to succeed as an older person’s caregiver. This is an interactive self-paced course that provides you with a background knowledge of caregiving. The following are what you would learn.

heart and blood vesselsDigestionMusculoskeletal systemHearingNerval systemUrinatory systemVisionSkinSmell and TasteComorbidity & Other Chronic Illnesses or Diseases

#3. Knowledge and Skills for Dementia Care: the SSLD Approach

A professor in collaboration with the University of Toronto’s Institute of Life Course and Aging planned and delivered this course for the sole aim of providing you with information about dementia and dementia care from the perspective of an SSLD. This free online caregiving training covers a plethora of topics under the elder services and help. These topics will further enable you to get a practical knowledge of dementia and its care. You will have a holistic grasp of the requirements and characteristics of older persons living with dementia after completing this course, as well as the knowledge and skills needed to improve their proficiency in delivering care.

#4. ‘Talk to Me’: Improving Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in Young Adults

One out of every four persons suffers from mental illness, and young adults are especially vulnerable. Do people in this category feel comfortable sharing their experience with you.? It’s high time you enrolled for this online training on caregiving so you can help them with the knowledge and self-awareness to recognize, identify, and respond to mental health challenges in both themselves and others.

#5. Engineering Health: Introduction to Yoga and Physiology

This online training provides you with a holistic knowledge of health and wellness. If you are a caregiver and yoga teacher, you could do well to talk to your patients on the benefits of yoga. This very online caregiving course is important as it helps you learn how yoga may help with stress reduction and prevent physiological disorders. It takes about 6 weeks, 54 hours long to complete this course. There is a paid certificate available if you really have a need for it.

#6. Psychology of Older Adults

This free online caregiving training focuses on the later stages of human development, including biosocial development, cognitive development, and psychosocial development, using the concept of continuous maturation throughout the lifespan. In this course, you’ll learn how older people work, the memory of the older adult, caring for older adults, retirement options, and the psycho-social aspects of growing older. Upon completing this online course, you would learn to:

Explain basic stages of maturity using major psychological modelsRecognize the concept of continuous maturation over one’s lifeDetermine whether cultural differences play a role in particular adult behavior.

#7. Medications and the Elderly

This free online caregiver training helps you to understand the difficulties surrounding medication safety and the elderly and provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to assist older people. During this course, you will learn

Why elderly medication safety is important How aging physiological changes affect pharmaceutical safetySteps to take to assure the safety of medicationsAdjustments in lifestyle that can lessen the need for prescription medications

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#8. Alzheimer’s Dementia: The Montessori Approach to Caregiving

This caregiver online course teaches you the principles of dementia care which are: free performance, adaption, demonstration, procedural memory, familiar materials, meaningful activities, sequencing, and simple-to-complex. What you’ll learn in this online course include: incorporating Montessori concepts into what you do with the person you’re caring for. Also, you’ll understand how important it is to develop a routine and how to handle daily schedules.

#9. Elder Care Solutions

This course is a solid first step toward achieving your goal of becoming a caregiver because a time will come in people’s lives when they would require assistance and you may be their last resort. Enrolling for this caregiving course before the time when your services will be needed is the best thing you will do to yourself as this is loaded with the knowledge you need to begin an intentional career.

#10. Family Care Survival Course

You can take control of your future and the well-being of your family or the person you’re taking care of by enrolling in this exceptional online caregiving training. This online course will help you in taking the first steps toward giving those who depend on you a better life.

#11. How to Prevent a Relapse

You can encounter several things being a caregiver, and drug addiction is one of them. Anyone who is currently struggling with or has previously struggled with any addiction will benefit from taking this course. Enrolling in this course will give you a holistic approach to how you take care of people physically and emotionally while leading them through the paths of recovery. This course begins with an introduction to H.A.L.T. before moving on to understanding the physical components that must be nurtured in order to avoid relapse.

#12. Balancing Emotions Based on Mind and Body Type

With the daily problems we all encounter, along with the added stress of current societal issues, this course can serve as a guide to living a good physical, emotional, and spiritual existence.  If you work as a caregiver in the mental health profession and intend to have a broader view and a more holistic approach to serving your clients better. You can do yourself some level of good by investing in this free online caregiver training

#13. Master Personality Disorders | Online Psychology Certificate

Have you been just hired to take care of an older person who is narcissistic and obsessive that you don’t know what to do? This is another course that will help you navigate your way through caregiving. You will learn everything about personality disorders listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in this psychology course presented by Dr. Gerald Richardson, an American Psychiatrist. This course is made up of 11 short but high-yield videos that will take you through the basics of what a personality disorder is and how to treat each of the people under your caregiving. This course is appropriate for a wide range of learners, from those with no prior experience in mental health to experts in the field such as psychiatrists, psychologists, LCSWs, nurses, and others. This is the greatest course for any mental health enthusiast. Also Read: Top 20 Cheapest Non-Profit Online Colleges

#14. Caregiver Support Services Training

There’s no better way to keep the level of care you provide consistent if not by enrolling for this free online caregiving training. It teaches you how to;

Reduce the anger of child abuse and neglect.Spot indicators of abuse as a caregiver and how to deal with the obstacles that come with reporting abuse.

Interestingly, this training does not require you have a kind of prior experience in caregiving to enroll!

#15. Infection Control and Prevention

Being a caregiver puts so many responsibilities under your care and one of them is to at all times, ensure that the welfare of others remains your priority. This is because they are vulnerable. Hence, the need for extra care. Infection control and prevention is a component of practice that seeks to protect patients and older persons from the problems that may arise from poor hygiene practices. This free online caregiving training will teach you about pathogens, modes and routes of infection, the general immune system, and how best you can reduce contamination and cross-contamination. After completing this course, you will receive an Udemy certificate of completion.

#16. At Home With Dementia

This caregiving online training gives you an overview of the four kinds of dementia, its symptoms, and treatment options. As an icing to the cake, you’ll also learn how to bathe, dress, feed, communicate and deal with troublesome behaviors. Anyone working as a caregiver would benefit greatly from this online course.

#17. Family First Aid & CPR for Moms, Dads, and Caregivers

I hope you didn’t think that caregiving is only for the elderly? Both old and young are kept under the prying eyes of a caregiver. So, this online caregiving training is best for learning a plethora of things including how to enlist the help of Emergency Medical Services, what kind of first-aid kit you should have at home, how to do a Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. Other things you’ll learn as you enroll for this online course are as follows:

Helping a choking baby, child, or adultHandling emergencies at homeUsing an Automated External DefibrilatorDressing bleeding woundsTaking care of a heat stroke

#18. Caregiver Guide to Baby-Friendly Certification

The “Caregiver Guide to Baby-Friendly Certification” course from Patient+Family Care leads professionals through UNICEF and WHO’s ten steps for effective breastfeeding. This course was created for a variety of reasons:

Hospitals and nursing personnel have frequently requested that this course be made available onlineTo provide participants with a greater understanding of what Baby Friendly means to patients, caregivers at the bedside, and organizations.Learning the global initiative of Baby Friendly Practices in order to meet the education requirement for baby friendly certification.

This online Udemy course gives caregivers a better understanding of why this project is so important and encourages students to take part in self-reflection and additional study through discussion and questions.

#19. The Challenges of Modern Caregiving

This course explains how caregiving has evolved in modern times and how these changes have helped caregivers in recent times. It seeks to answer a plethora of questions amongst which are:

Do bureaucratic systems make it difficult for people to take responsibility for the pain of others?How do caregivers deal with their own and their customers’ emotions?Is it possible and desirable to re-humanize care work?

The Challenges of Modern caregiving will provide you with a way of identifying gaps in existing care systems, besides assisting them in developing informed remedies to these important concerns.

#20. What is Palliative Care?

The need to increase the quality of life for people living with serious life-limiting illnesses is the reason this online free caregiving course was founded. It will teach you about the nature of suffering and how understanding it can help you better the experiences of those who are suffering from catastrophic illnesses. Following that, you’ll also learn how to communicate more effectively with patients, families, and other healthcare providers. Finally, there’s a whole-person assessment to help you understand the needs of people who are sick and establish a plan to help them.


As one who wants to make the most out of caregiving, any of the free online caregiving training above can expose you to a better knowledge base.



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