An excuse to attend parties, play dress up and go out with your friends! It’s easy to see why it’s popular among college students. Your Halloween costume is a very critical detail for the celebrations. With college lasting for only four years, it’s normal that you want your Halloween costume to be the talk of every event.  Do you want a classy costume or you’ve been looking to dress like a movie star at an award event? Well, we got some ideas for you. This article will review the best Halloween costumes for college students to consider.

Halloween In College: Things To Do

Looking for fun events for Halloween night in college? Below are some fun ways to spend Halloween night in college. 

Movie Night

 One of the best ways to spend your Halloween night is having a movie night, especially if you want a calm night away from normal college activities. What could be more enjoyable than curling up with a movie and some blankets on a chilly Halloween night? There is a movie out there for everyone, regardless of whether you fancy horror and thrillers or prefer something a little lighter. What’s better? You may make this more interesting by inviting some friends around. You Should Read: 15 Best College Weekend Parties in America 2022

Haunted House

 In order to raise money, drama departments frequently host haunted houses on college campuses. They dress up, decorate, and try to frighten you. If this event doesn’t take place on your campus, it might be in the neighborhood. If not, you could always go on a hayride or corn maze to experience the same level of fright. Going to a haunted house keeps up with the Halloween tradition. Plus, you will make some scary memories with your friends!

College Parties

 Before attending college, Halloween in high school featured straightforward activities like the home party rager or the let’s trick-or-treat. Whatever your favorite Halloween activities were in high school, the college environment is very different and more of a week-long event. Trust me when I say that going to a college Halloween party is one of the best ways to spend the evening. It’s one of the most popular things to do on Halloween night in college, plus, it’s that time of the year when you’re free to dress how you like with no criticism.

Horror Story contests

A good old story night is one of the best ways you can spend your Halloween night in college. Simply turn off all the lights in your room and gather your buddies around for spooky tales. It’s even more enjoyable if you can involve a third party to spook your friends while the story is being told.  Read: Funny Campus College Traditions for 2022

Tips for Halloween nights in College

 Halloween is a major night for fun, but it also sees a huge surge in crime, especially among college students. Below are some tips for being safe on Halloween night.

 Especially if you’re intending to attend Halloween parties, monitor your drinks and don’t let anybody else pour or hold them for you.

 Always move in groups, and arrange your schedule so that you are always with at least one other person.

Keep your location private. I realize this may be challenging, especially with all the Instagram photo updates. But attempt to control who can see your location on social media. Sharing your whereabouts with a trusted friend, meanwhile, can be a smart move.

Take a cab, Uber, or the subway, instead of taking a chance on a solo, dark walk home. To be safe, make sure you have some cash on hand. Include the campus security phone number of your school in your contacts so you can call them in an emergency.

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Best Halloween costumes for college students

Ready to be the star of the ball? Below are some of the best Halloween costumes for college students.

#1. Hippie

 We’d like to propose going back to the ’70s and channeling your inner hippie in a DIY hippie costume if you’d like to get ahead of the costume-selection game for once. It’s not just a fun theme to wear; you can pull it off simply using items that are probably already in your closet. Find your favorite tie-dye shirt to go with your bell-bottomed jeans and start there. Put on some platform or fringe boots, then a hairband across your forehead. Make waves in your hair or plait haphazard strands in a face-framing braid. You can also add jewelry, a fur or suede vest, and a cross-body purse to complete the ensemble. A hippie costume is one of the best Last minute Halloween costumes for college students. Read: 15 Best Jobs For College Dropouts | 2023 Ranking

#2. Cowboy/Cowgirl

 The West has a certain iconic quality. Perhaps it’s those stunning, incredibly dramatic wide-open spaces or the liberation they engender. Embracing the western trend is one of the best Halloween costumes for college students. Get yourself some cowboy boots and a hat to start; you might not need them after Halloween, though. Create an entire costume based on them. You might be Jessie from Toy Story or LilNas X on Old Town Road. A cowboy costume is also one of the best Last minute Halloween costumes for college students.

#3. The Adams

 Yes, channeling characters from the highly successful Adam’s family is one of the best Halloween costumes for college students. Do you desire a really eerie and spooky Halloween? If so, the Addams family costumes are a great choice for Halloween.  When wearing the Morticia and Gomez costumes, college students are always the life of the party. The ideal costume for a trick-or-treater with a straight face is a Wednesday Addams outfit. Start practicing your snaps if you’re looking for a costume for the entire crew since Addams family Halloween outfits make for an outstanding group Halloween look. Read: 20 Must-Have College Packing List For Girls In 2022

#4. Modern Witch

 Modern witch costumes go far back as Halloween itself. College students look the part for Halloween, which is the ideal time for all the ghosts and ghouls to come out and play. A witch costume is one of the best Halloween costumes you can choose in college. You might have some of the required clothes for the costumes in your closet. The modern witch costume is also popular because it is one of the best Last minute Halloween costumes for college students.   Read: 15 Best Paying Jobs Out Of College | 2023 Ranking

#5. Superhero

 Superhero costumes are not just one of the best Halloween costumes for college students, they are also one of the most popular costumes. If you completely forgot to pick a costume, a superhero costume is one of the best Last minute Halloween costumes for college students.  We know that it’s challenging to choose just one superhero to ape on October’s spookiest night because of the appeal of their unique superpowers. Fortunately, there are many fantastic superhero costumes available for everyone from all the movies.  With so many superheroes to channel, it may challenge to choose the coolest superhero Halloween costumes. One of the perks of superhero Halloween costumes is that you can play a legendary superhero duo with our bestie! 

#6. Bridgerton

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#7. Joker

 One of history’s most recognizable Halloween costumes is The Joker. If you’re going to a Halloween party, dressing up as the Joker is a fantastic decision. You have a ton of alternatives because there have been many variations of the Joker in the course of the last 50 years. You can even combine components from several character interpretations to come up with something fresh and original. Nothing can go wrong with a joker costume, it’s one of the best Halloween costumes for college students to choose from. 

#8. Queen of Hearts

 The ruthless Queen of Hearts, made famous in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, is one of the most dreadful monarchs in literature and history. With a track record of head beheadings for minor mistakes, your queen of the hearts costume will send chills down the spines of everybody! But it makes a fantastic Halloween college costume.   While others might choose to dress like superheroes, going as a villain could be one of the best Halloween costumes for college students.

#9. Vampires

 Pale skin, fangs, fake blood, and long cloaks. It’s easy to see why dressing as a vampire is one of the best Halloween costumes for college students. The only downside to a vampire costume is that you might end up not being the only one with the idea. This is due to the fact that it is one of the best Last minute Halloween costumes for college students.   A vampire costume, if done right, will definitely get people’s attention at every college party you attend. Taking on the vampire appearance might turn into an art form. It’s undoubtedly a fashionable appearance, and you can have a lot of fun wearing it on Halloween. Read: 20 Cheap Vacations For College Students in 2022 | Best Locations

#10. Cat

 A Cat costume is just simply the purrfect Halloween costume for college students. There are some Halloween outfits that are simply ageless and classic, like a cat costume. If you’re searching for something flirtatious, a cat costume is an excellent choice. An excellent cat costume comprises just three things: ears, black clothing, and eyeliner, whereas other costumes may need days of hunting for clothing or building the ideal ensemble. A cat costume is one of the best Last minute Halloween costumes for college students. It is also one of the best Halloween costumes for college students to choose from. Read: 15 Best App For College Football | 2023 Ranking

#11. Cheerleader

 Nothing goes wrong with a cheerleader Halloween costume. Want to be creative on Halloween while still looking good? One of the best Halloween costumes for college students is dressing as a cheerleader. A lovely school skirt and a matching cropped tank are all you’ll need to put together this simple outfit. Create a school logo on paper, then tape it on. If you want to enhance the outfit, couple it with complementary pom-poms. A cheerleader costume is one of the best Last minute costumes for college students.

#12. Nerd

 It’s relatively simple to dress like a nerd for Halloween. You can carry off your appearance without sticking to specific clothing. The nicer the pants, the worse they should fit. Consider wearing tight, high-water pants that restrict your movement if you want to look like a nerd. You’ll walk more awkwardly and like a true geek if you do this. Using clip-on suspenders or a lengthy belt, you can embellish your pants. Girls should draw their hair back into a high bun or up in uneven pigtails. Guys should slick back their hair with lots of hair gel because most geeks wear their hair out of their faces. Nerd Outfits are one of the best Last minute Halloween costumes for college students. Read: 15 Top Party Schools in the World

#13. Princess

 Halloween is one of the few days of the year when you can fully unleash your princess dreams and shine. Halloween costumes for Disney Princesses allow you to go really glam, complete with large puffy skirts, big hair, and all, plus, the glittering opportunities. It’s like having a fancy birthday or Christmas all rolled into one. From Cinderella, and Pocahontas, to Jasmine, you have a full glossary of Disney princesses to draw inspiration from.

#14. Harley Quinn

#15. Angels

 Halloween is often associated with the spooky, but that doesn’t mean your costume needs to be all blood and guts. Why not wear a heavenly-themed outfit to counteract the wickedness? Being an angel is among the best Halloween costumes for college students.  It is also one of the best Last minute Halloween costumes for college students. You don’t have to worry, since all you actually need for an angelic Halloween costume is an all-white outfit, wings, and a halo, all of which you can make yourself using supplies you can buy at the store. Read: What Are The Pumpkins On Snapchat Map?

College Costume Tips

Avoid wearing offensive costumes that could cause expulsion from the college. Halloween is a time to celebrate, dance, drink, and have fun, not to compete for the most daring or obscene costume.

On Halloween in college, stay away from wearing stiletto heels. And choose shoes that are much simpler to walk in, like boots.

Think about taking some flip-flops or folding flats. You’ll likely attend several parties on campus and do a lot of walking. Even if your costume calls for heels, you’ll be glad to have a spare pair of shoes on hand.

Look at the weather report. At the end of October, the weather can be highly erratic. Bring a comfy jacket, cardigan, or pashmina so you can cover up a little at night.

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 Students can express their creativity and have fun during Halloween, which is a welcome break from studying. Many colleges hold costume parties and pumpkin carving competitions. Regardless of how schools celebrate Halloween, distinctive events can offer character and excitement.  With so many costume options, it’s understandable to feel a little uncertain about what to choose. This post has covered some of the best Halloween costumes for college students, especially if you have a lot of activities to attend.

References – Halloween costumes on college campuses – The Ultimate Guide to College Halloween – 10 Cute and Easy College Halloween Costume Ideas for 2021 – Ancient Origins of Halloween – 100 College Halloween Costumes You Can Easily DIY in Your Dorm Room


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