Though boarding school is quite beneficial to students, it is very important you map out some time to carefully research where your wards’ new academic home will be. This article, however, is a complete documented research on the best boarding schools in Texas. For students in Texas and environs, there are boarding schools rendering the best of services. One that allows students experience study in a very conducive environment. The WSF team is particular about all-round development of your ward as well as limiting time spent on a search for the best schools in Texas. If you are wondering where exactly or which of the boarding schools in Texas is best for your ward, then, this article is for you. Well, you seem to understand your ward better but these ranking factors below will aid you choose the best boarding school for your ward. To get an overview of all that was discussed in this article, simply take a glance at the table of contents below.

What is the Right Age for Boarding Schools?

Boarding schools do just more than teaching students how to pass college prep. They manage and educate the whole child. According to a psychologist, the best age for going to a boarding school is 12 years. At this age, children attain a level of maturity that could help them manage themselves outside the environment they are used to. However, twelve years is relative hence, parents must put other factors into consideration.

Why Attend A Boarding School in Texas

There are absolutely a thousand reasons to consider boarding schools generally. Basically, boarding school experience has been said to help students grow both socially and responsibly. For Texas boarding schools, the total and overall growth of your ward is so important to them. Hence, curriculum and classes are designed to achieve this feat. Among a thousand reasons to consider a boarding school in Texas are:

1. Student get better attention and study in small classes

This is typical of most boarding schools in Texas. The student to teacher ratio are usually so small that each students get due attention. Also, because classes are offered in small numbers, every child’s academics, moral, social and emotional growth can easily be monitored. This in turn contribute to students earning higher and better grades that makes admission into the university so easy.

2. Students study in an environment void of distraction

One of the proven challenges of day school is evident in the fact that most studnets leave to enjoy all the distractions at home. Definitely, there are distraction seeking the attention of your ward at this particular age and time. While parents may claim to aid manage these distractions, work and other commitment smay not permit stringent actions. Boarding schools in Texas operate under regulated conditions that ensures student have enough time so socialize without being distracted. So, stuying in any of these boarding schools in the citiies of Texas, avails your ward an opportunity to study in an environment that is void of distractions. As you know more concentration means more grades. Good enough grades to easily attend any college irrespective of required GPA.

3. Flexible, Comfortable and Friendly Academic Environment

In as much as you recognize the benefits of boarding schools to your ward, you should be careful in selecting the new home for your child. Well, If you are in Texas or its environs, you need not worry. Most boarding schools in Texas have a very serene and comfortable living environment. With very low student enrollment, the cozy environment is fully enjoyed by students who sign up for boarding service. In addition to this, classes become more flexible as some could be pushed to weekends. In the absence of flexibility of classes letting your ward into a Texas boarding school avails your ward longer study hours amidst friend. In summary, boarding schools in Texas allows students learn social responsibility and how to easily tolerate all irrespective of tribe, belief or race.

What is the Average Cost of Boarding Schools in Texas?

The quality of service rendered is usually the main determinant of how much boarding schools in Texas cost. However, it is worthy of note that other factors that may influence how much you pay for boarding school in Texas are usually the type of school. For instance, private institutions definitely cost more money than public high school boarding services. In addition, extra services and accommodation options may skyrocket or reduce the average pay for Texas boarding school, In a nutshell, the average annual boarding school tuition is $38,850. While some schools which are probably the cheapest charge $20, 000 or less, others on the very expensive side may charge up to $60, 000 or more.

Are There Financial Aid Opportunities for Boarding School Students in Texas?

Definitely, there are financial aid options for both deserving students and need-based students. A report from the National Association of Boarding Schools states that nearly 37% of boarding school students get yearly aid. With support from the school’s financial aid packages, along with merit-based and foundation scholarships, both need-based students and award deserving students get yearly support from the right authority. On the other hand, many high school awards and scholarships exist for both college and high school students. You may easily find one here.

Are Texas Boarding Schools Open to International Students?

Absolutely, yes. According to relocate magazine,  a recent survey shows that Houston, Texas holds the number one spot for top boarding schools with more internatonal students. Most schools in Texas are open to international students. In fact, most private and Christian Texas boarding schools incorporate a scheme that aids students tolerate and live in harmony irrespective of races available at college. This absolutely one spectacular fact about schools in Texas that offer boarding service. Basically, they create exceptional opportunities that help to deepen cultural understanding and build global friendships. Hence, Texas Hoarding high schools do not just accept international students, they provide a conducive environment where international students fit in well. In addition, international students benefit greatly from the ESL classes taught in boarding schools. Irrespective of the nation, international students greatly develop their speaking, writing and, reading skills while attending a boarding school in texas.

List of Boarding Schools in Texas

As stipulated earlier in this article, TX Boarding Schools are all accommodating and a great option for students who wishes to avoid all forms of distractions and focus on their studies. The list of boarding high schools in Texas are categorized into sub categories to aid you find what you are looking for quickly, Below is a list of private, Christian and public schools in Texas offering boarding services.

Amerigo Houston Saint Pius X High SchoolBrook Hill SchoolSan Marcos AcademyTMI EpiscopalTexas Christain School

North Central Texas AcademyChinquapin Preparatory SchoolIncarnate world high schoolAllen AcademyVillage schoolMarine Military AcademyHockday School

What are the Best Boarding Schools in Texas?

Most Texas boarding schools offer excellent boarding services. However, a number of factors were but into consideration while selecting the top boarding schools. Some of the factors considered for this ranking include Acceptance rate: This article puts into consideration how easy it is to gain admission into these high schools rendering boarding services. For optimum attention and boarding service, top boarding schools accept a minimal number of students to maintain small class size and a good student to teacher ratio. Hence, low acceptance rate schools in Texas rank higher in this piece. Tuition: The affordability of these boarding schools is also a ranking factor. Though more expensive schools tend to provide more excellent services, relatively affordable tuition is a second ranking criteria for this article. Student Enrollment: The least ranking criteria put into consideration is the number of students enrolled in the school. A percentage of students enrolled in boarding schools is also clearly stated.

1. The Hockaday School Texas,

This Texas boarding school in Dallas offers boarding services to only girls from prekindergarten through the twelfth grade. It is a school that beleves so much in the potential of young girls. Hence, the curriculum is designed to aid students develop all-around to become confident women in whatever field they delve into. A review from alumni indicates that this all-girl boarding school in Texas runs a small boarding community that is homely, conducive, and academic friendly. With a teacher-student ratio of 1:7 and an average small class size of 17 students, your ward will definitely receive the attention they deserve. Visit the school for more information especially on how to send in an application.

2. Amerigo Houston Saint Pius X High School

Amerigo Houston is a Christian private boarding school in Houston Texas. It offers a coed boarding facility to students in grades 9-12. Generally, this boarding school in Houston provides a nurturing and challenging learning environment. Students benefits from all the exciting opportunities resident in nearby major metropolis. The schools rank top 20 in Top boarding schools in America out of 314 schools. So, this is a great option for your ward too. Classes are usually offered in small size with an average of class size of 19 students.

3. St. Stephen’s Episcopal School Texas, 

This Texas boarding school school is nationally recognized for its exceptional academic opportunity. Aside from its college preparatory curriculum, the school incorporates and all inclusive learning in a conducive environment. Situated on a 370 axcres camppus, environment is academic friendly with breathtaking views and excellent facilities. classes are taken by qualified distinguished, dedicated and qualified accessible faculty members. Basically, if you are concerned about the all-round development of your ward, then you should consider St Stephens School. With a class average of 17 students and student-teacher ratio 8:1, this TX boarding school offers small class sizes to diverse groups of students. Interestingly, only 35% of their total number of students enroll for the boarding services. And, over 19% of students receive financial aid. Your ward will grow academically, emotionally, and learn social responsibility. 

4. The Village School

This a coed boarding school in Texas with no religous affliation. Its boarding services are available to students in grades 7-12. Basically, as an international community with large student body, it is committed to raising life long learners who are inquistive and can think crictically, It also implores an innovative teaching method particularly in Math and Science that incorporates genuine collaboration required to lead the next generation into an ever-changing world. Students can opt for a 5 day boarding option if they live in greater Houston area or choose the 7 day boarding option. Its average class size is 18 and students enjoy a closer relationship with teachers with a teacher-student ratio of 1:8.

5. TMI – The Episcopal School

This is one of the top boarding schools in Tecas. Founded in 1893, Texas boarding school is located in San Antonio and serves students in grades 6-12. It offers a coed boarding facility that accommodates all interested students. With a total enrollment of 432 students, this private Christian boarding school admits a certain percentage into its facility. Over 90% of its graduating students attend a four-year college. Classes are rigorous as students spend close to eight hours in class each day. Interestingly, this boarding school for college preparatory ranks for Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) programs in the country. With a student to teacher ratio of 8.42, classes are though not so small, but effective with an amazing student life experience. Aside from a robust and innovative college preparatory curriculum students participate in many sports activities such as football, soccer, baseball, and lacrosse. This private boarding school in Texas also has some traditions that make time spent studying very remarkable.

6. San Marcos Academy

San marcos Academy is coeducational Christain boarding schools. Its borading facilities and services are open to students in Kingarten through grade 12. Also, students can adopt any of the two boarding programs.It offers a 7-day boarding program and a 5 day program for families who live within 70 mile. This is a great option for wads if you live in Texas per would love to have them home some weekends. It offers a college preparatory curriculum that adopts leadership training, strong fine arts department and ESL for international students. With a teacher to student ratio of 1:8, students receive classes in an average class size of 9 students.

7. The Brook Hill School Texas,

Brook Hill Texas is a Christian boarding school in Texas. it is obviously one of the best coed boarding schools you can get in Texas. Though it offers a rigorous academic curriculum, students learn in small class sizes while imbibing Christain values. It offers a 27 AP and credit courses and students have the right to choose from over 100 college hours while they attend boarding schools. All graduating students from this boarding high school in Texas gain easy admission into colleges yearly and ,ost of them get accepted by their first choice. Your ward too can beat this record if you enroll them in these average class size of 14 boarding school. With a student to teacher ratio of 9: 1, your ward receives full attention and its able to harness all academic opportunities. Well, in America, Brook Hill is one of the best 30 Christian boarding schools and a great option for guardians who wish their children learn cultural and moral values.

8. Marine Military Academy

This is amilitary boarding school in Texas for only boys. BAsically, the Marine Military academy aims at tranforming young men into tomorrow’s leaders. This boarding school offers an all round win to your male ward. Your children will develop mental and emotional tools that is needed to navigate the path forward. Success is achieved through a safe, structured environment that fosters responsibility to community and country and each other. 100% of its student enrollment are all boarders. However, classes are offered in small sizes with an average of 11 student in each class. Most students of MMA graduate to gain admission into four year colleges with ease.

9. Thrive Girls Ranch & Home

Thrive Girls ranch and home is a Christian boarding school in Texas for girls (ages 12-17). This is obviously the best option for you if you have a stubborn girl child. Majorly, youthful exuberance and puberty changes tend to affect the psyche of students. However, if you think it is getting overboard and extra-disciplinary measures must be taken to get your girl child back on track, then Thrive Girls is your best bet. It offers a curriculum that helps transform misbehaving, struggling with destructive or dangerous behaviors into responsible and respectful young women. As a chirstian boarding schools for girls it features biblical advisors and mentors with a focus on academics alongside a milleu of therapeutic activities which include equine therapy. In fact, this boarding school offers a win-win option. Here your child gets educationally sound, morally upright, and socially responsible. Interestingly, all these services are offered at a very affordable cost.

10. New Hope Boys Home

Just like Thrive Girls, struglling boys in Texas and environs may be sent for life transformation at New Hope Boys Home. It is a boarding school near Austin, Texas that offers boarding services to struggling boys ages 12-17. This is obviously the best option for guardians who have boys handling growth wrongly. If your wards seem unable to manage the crisis that comes at teenage, puberty, and exhibits uncontrollable youthful exuberance, simply use the visit school button. A visit to the virtual school will give you more reasons why your ward should be enrolled in a this Texas boarding school. In summary, your ward will experience a total transformation that will aid manage and erase any addiction, attitude, or life-impacting behavior that may affect him negatively. Troubled youth in Texas can be sent for life transformational experiences for free at the following schools: Caribbean Mountain Academy.Master’s Ranch – East.Master’s Ranch – West.Victory Boys Academy.Waterford Country School.Whetstone Boys Ranch. Only few elementary schools have boarding schools. St Catherine Academy offers boarding services to students in grades 4-7 Yes, boarding schools helps shape a child’s life especially social, emotional and academics. Most children develop more confidence as they begin to learn what they love and are good at. Though they tend to live a more enclosed life than their peers, it is a great idea to let your ward experience boarding school life.


Choosing the best boarding school in Texas for your ward shouldn’t cost so much stress. In fact, this article compiles a list of good boarding schools in Texas. It categorizes them into best private, public, and Christian schools. Also, it reviews top boarding schools in Texas, and indicates if the schools are just for boys, girls or coed. You should however, consider the tuition and the chances of your ward being accepted into these boarding schools before settling for one. To make the job easier, this article reviews and ranks the Texas boarding schools. And, in this article you will find the best privates, Christian and public boarding schools for high school students in Texas. Basically for students in grades 9-12.

